Two Tickets to Paradise….
“I always knew someday that I would visit the shop..…the only problem was getting there!”
Glynis Best, along with shopping buddy Charlene Robinson recently made the 800 miles round trip all the way from Northern Ireland to the seaside town of Cleethorpes. The purpose of their visit? To shop till they dropped at Tilletts! Glynis discovered Tilletts when a friend liked and shared the Facebook page over a year ago. ‘A nosy nature’ (Glynis self-professes) and natural curiosity got the better of her and she simply had to take a peek at this mystery store. Within weeks she was hooked and come July 2017 rarely purchased elsewhere. As Glynis’ passion for Tilletts grew she decided to let in a select few friends on her new find. Sworn to secrecy, the select few received so many compliments on their new purchases that it didn’t stay a secret for long. Before she knew it, Charlene became her shopping partner in crime and the pair were checking in with one another to make sure their outfits wouldn’t clash or worse…..find themselves in a twin-twin situation!!
Come 2018, the ladies had decided it was time to visit the Flagship store in Cleethorpes and boy were they going to make a fabulous weekend of it. Flights were booked, hotel sorted, and car hired – they were all set for a lovely Spring visit in March. Then disaster struck and due to bad weather conditions, their flights were cancelled! Needless to say, they were devastated. They had been planning this trip for so long and then just a few days before they were due to fly the country was completely covered in snow. Snow in March…who’d have thought it? But all’s well that ends well and within the week the flights had been rebooked and Rebekah at Browns Rooms in Cleethorpes was still able to accommodate their new dates. Phew!
“Nothing was going to deter us!” Glynis proclaims
June 15th soon rolled around, and Glynis and Charlene were finally on their way. An infamous name at Tilletts HQ, we were all very excited to meet Glynis. Sadly, I was away at the time, so I made Glynis promise that she would fill me in on all the juicy details from their weekend away once I was back and I’m pleased to say she didn’t disappoint. From beginning to end, Glynis describes the entire weekend as truly amazing! From the lovely and welcoming Rebekah at Browns Rooms offering to collect them from the train station to fish and chips on the sunny pier to a double visit at Tilletts Flagship all in one day. Overcome with excitement, Glynis had completely forgotten that she had a £100 voucher to use on her first visit, so it was only logical that she returned for a second visit later that day to spend her Gift Card! A highlight for the ladies was meeting the famous Tillett Trio; Mel, Grace and Nancy. Glynis recalls feeling like she had known them her entire life, a truly special feeling. As for the shop, well the girls simply could not do enough for them –
“Hannah, Darcy and Lorraine ran after us all morning so a really special thanks to them for their patience. Honestly, we were like children in a sweet shop. It was so good to be able to visit and try everything on. I would also like to thank Mel for offering to ship our purchases to Northern Ireland which by the way needs a Tilletts store!”
So, here’s the million dollar question….would they visit us again? ‘Yes, without a doubt’ was the unanimous response from the ladies! I asked Glynis if she could sum up her experience in her three words? Amusingly, Glynis told me that she didn’t think she could but if she absolutely had to it would be JUST LOVE TILLETTS and for anybody thinking of visiting the store just GO AND ENJOY!!
Well, you can’t say fairer than that! A huge thank you to Glynis and her partner in crime, Charlene for making the lengthy journey to come and see us. We are truly humbled and overwhelmed at the dedication and loyalty from these ladies and so many others. You continue to amaze us everyday with your support and enthusiasm so thank you and we cannot wait to meet even more of you in store!
Love, as always
Team Tillett xx
Author: Sheryl Gibson-Hill
Such an amazing story. I also made a visit to the store the same day. Glynis and charlene were instore when i arrived. The store was buzzing. I also chatted to 2 vip ladies from spalding. Thankfully i only live 65 miles away.
Loved this story, so funny as well 😊 now that is total dedication to tilletts !!!!
Isla xxxx
What a great story, very similar for lots of ladies, discover Tilletts never shop anywhere else, been loving Tilletts since September last year, it’s safe to say I am addicted too……….💜💜
Oh Sheryl… you have captured our story so well! Hilarious!!
Glynis xx
What great story, beautifully told and so pleased the ladies followed the Tillett trail and enjoyed their visit to Cleethorpes!
Love the clothes just wish you do bigger sizes 18- 20
I’ll be there this weekend, I’m visiting my son and planning to enjoy the armed forces displays 🚁✈ but mostly I’m looking forward to calling into Tilletts ☺
What a great read, I’ve had the pleasure of visiting the Cleethorpes store. It’s a lovely shop.and the staff can’t do enough for you. Think I need another visit and sooner, rather than later 💖
Thats is a fantastic story one. Everyone of us including myself wish to visit oneday …and yes loved the keeping it secret bit too.
That was a great wee read, especially only a select few friends were told love that bit.. 😊
From another Northen Ireland girl good on you for getting a trip over.x