"Tilletts On Tour: The Final Chapter"
So here it is, the day 12 Women have been waiting months and months for! Weeks of restless nights – too excited to sleep, preparing themselves and saving their pennies. Would it be everything they dreamt? Would there be enough stock for everyone? The time for wonderment had passed and here in the now, they were about to embark on their biggest challenge yet. Just like a marathon, they warmed themselves up for the main event by stretching their shopping muscles around town, visiting the quaint local stores and stalls. After all, the last thing we need is any of our VIPs suffering with shopper’s elbow! Like true Athletes, our ladies knew it was necessary to fully load up on Carbs before attempting any endurance events. So, before any potential pulled muscles or strains, the ladies met myself and the Tilletts for Lunch. Better to be safe than sorry right!
After a popping Prosecco Celebration (a surprise organised by Lorraine’s very thoughtful son) and a delicious feast, we were fit to burst. Well some of us were anyway, the VIP’s were still hungry…..…hungry for Tilletts!! We set off, a gabble of women heading in search of Retail Therapy. As we approached the store, the ladies were in awe of the sight before them. Excited and eager, they came at the shop with pure lust in their eyes……the poor girls working in the store must have been absolutely terrified! Ha Ha! Once inside, there was no time for chit chat – this was it, the real deal and time waits for no woman! Lorraine loudly demanded, “CLOTHE ME!!” whilst throwing her arms open to the world. Safe to say, Lorraine had my undivided attention – Personal Shopper Sheryl, to the rescue! Whilst I was pre-occupied with the lovely Lorraine; Grace, Nancy and Mel spent the afternoon sharing their style secrets and advice with the rest of the VIP’s. Then who should make an appearance but Mr. T himself, armed with thirst quenching Prosecco for the ladies and Nutty for essential Puppy snuggles. What a wonderful atmosphere this was, laughter and glee could be heard all the way down the Pier. I should know I sadly had to pop off early and I could still hear the echo of giggles as I drove away.
All too soon, the day drew to a close and the ladies were preparing for their journeys home. Some with much heavier suitcases than they arrived with (ahem, Laura), who said that? Although it was Tilletts that brought these 12 women together from all corners of the UK, it was the lovely Anne, a local lady that made the day possible. Her hard work and organisation were at the core of it all and we cannot thank you enough for making the day possible. This was not just a day for the VIP’s but for Grace, Mel, Nancy and I, this was a chance to meet all these inspirational women who we had spoken to so many times before. These were the same women who, without fail logged on to Tilletts TV twice weekly and shared their ‘Shopping Selfies’ with us all. It was a delight and a pleasure to spend the day with them and we hope this is the first of many ‘Tilletts on Tour’ trips to come.
You never know, next time it could be you joining us for a ‘Store Selfie’ along with your newly found shopping pals. Boy, what a treat that will be!
Thank You Ladies, You Are All Stars!
Team Tillett xxx
Author: Sheryl Gibson-Hill
Hi everyone I just thought I would say hello to you all .I live in Paignton and it would be lovely to have your shop down here it would do so well.Im a 78 year old lady but my brain says that I m 30 I love all your clothes I’m very fashable so it’s lovely to be able to see your clothes and know that I wouldn’t look like mutton dressed as lamb I pride myself in my fashion and know I can look great with all your lovely clothes so bring it on girls ….I love your lovely fur baby I have five small fur babies so bye for now love to you all Yvonne xxx
Your clothes look fab – just wish they were a tad bigger as I am a 22 for comfort – would so love to be able to wear them
What a amazing story. Bet it was such a fantastic day.
Just received my first order from you ,very efficient and the garment is fab thanks Margaret Gray