“Snow Rest For The Wicked”
As the entire country comes to a complete halt as a result of adverse weather conditions, Team Tilletts persevered through the blizzards and snow to finalise plans for Mother's Day and Gok's Brunch. Now, while the rest of the UK snuggled up in the warmth this week, the ladies went on another buying trip bringing the latest styles and fashions back to HQ ready for uploading on site.
Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief we aren’t actually superhuman (wink wink) so this meant we still suffered a couple of setbacks and we thought it would be a good time to give you a bit of an insight into the weekly goings-on at Tilletts HQ and what kind of effect a bit of bad weather has on an Online Retailer.
The beginning of our week went without a hitch. As usual, the Tilletts have the arduous task of shopping for new clothes to list online (I know, what a terrible job right!) whilst the stores and HQ proceed with business as usual. Once we receive delivery of the fabulous new lines chosen by the ladies, the Warehouse girls work tirelessly on organising all the new stock whilst also ensuring that every customer receives their latest order in a timely manner. Not an easy feat by anybody’s standards but these girls work fast and they work well. So far, so good!
Then….Wednesday morning, the Beast from the East hit Lincolnshire and hit it hard! Our lovely model, Laura was unable to attend the shoot on Wednesday, as a result of the treacherous conditions so this meant a reschedule for Friday. This of course caused a small domino effect on our usual proceedings. Without our beautiful photos (courtesy of John) we are unable to add the products to the site for our lovely Tilletts customers. Descriptions for the stock were also delayed as I was stuck in traffic unable to move anywhere. Mel and Nancy live out in the sticks so access to HQ was tricky but they persevered and made their way in slowly and carefully. Once we had all arrived at the the office, it was then that we all agreed that our usual Wednesday Night Live would not be possible this week. However, at Team Tilletts we hate to disappoint, plus we know some of you would have severe withdrawal symptoms! So we decided a little mini live to tide you over should do the trick….for now at least.
As we all continue to work on plans for the upcoming events, our schedule is slowly steering itself back on course. A new live is planned for Sunday at 6pm, stock is ready for ordering, descriptions are written and all we need now are some stunning images to show off our beautiful new stock. With these minor setbacks affecting our usual routine, we know this has an effect on you, our customers. So we want to thank you for your patience, understanding and kind messages that you have provided this week. We pride ourselves on our customer service but without your support Team Tilletts would not be possible. Thank you!
Oh and if the Beast from the East hits your town just make sure you follow these three simple rules:
- Stay warm
- Drive safe
- If in doubt, build a Tilletts Snowman!
Thanks for reading!
Team Tilletts xx
Author: Sheryl Gibson-Hill